Logistics Recruitment Solutions Ltd     Recruitment for the logistics, freight and shipping industries

Search and selection services for the freight forwarding, shipping, courier and supply chain industries

Current positions available
Application form
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Confidential application form

If your CV is up to date then complete the bold areas only.

Full name  
Street address
Home phone
Work phone
Marital status
Number of children
Immigration status NZ citizen   Permanent residence   Work permit
Current salary
Preferred salary
Notice period
Position applied for /
positions preferred
Driver's licence Yes   No
   If yes, what type Learners   Restricted   Full
Own transport Yes   No
Endorsements or restrictions Yes   No
   If yes, please specify
Do you have any Court Convictions /
Criminal Record, or are waiting the hearing
of any convictions?
Yes   No
   If yes, please specify
Are you a smoker Yes   No
Do you have any personal / health
problems or disabilities?
Yes   No
   If yes, please specify
Preferred work location
Other courses / training taken relevant
to this position
Companies not to be considered
(please specify)
Reference Check Authorisation:
I give my permission for my referees to be contacted by Logistics Recruitment Solutions Ltd
Full name
Office use only:  Database
  Skills Sheet Completed
  Reference Checked

"Supplying quality people to quality companies………Guaranteed"